Monday, October 11, 2004

Faith, etc.

Hello. If you have had a rough childhood or want to be a relationship builder or a better parent, this is for you: It is the Instititue for Professional Parenting (Los Angeles).

My husband and I just finished 8 weeks of learning about the importance of cause and effect on emotional and psychological issues. The theory is universal in its significance. For instance, shushing a baby teaches a baby not to express emotion (believe it or not, this is a bad idea). We still need to absorb all we've seen and heard, and we will take the class again (after 4 times one becomes a master parent, after all).

I was just wondering whether the idea of faith parenting and faith partnering (trust in others to do the right/smart/good thing) while maintaining consistent, minimal but currencied discipline, applies to relationships between countries. I think it does! This approach definitely counters the idea of a preemtive war--a preemtive war is like punishing your kid before they do something wrong, then, guess what, they start to do it wrong.

If Iraq was a kid...

Israel did the right thing. When they knew Iraq had nuclear weapons, they struck to remove them, but didn't have war plans.

The U.S., on the other hand, began a war without any proof or plan for peace and we are still saying that we have made no mistakes. Again, that is NARCISSISM. A dangerous fantasy that relies on power, not intellect.

BTW, Sean Hannity appears to be insane. He keeps saying that Kerry misunderstands terrorism and would be a dangerous president. Who is Sean Hannity? A foreign relations expert, an al Qaeda specialist, a rocket scientist? No, he's a PARTISAN JOURNALIST.

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