Friday, October 01, 2004

A changed mind? Reading the debate faces

I just watched's video of Bush looking goofy and angry at the debate. Thing is, he always looks that way to me. My conservative Republican friend who I mentioned below has changed her mind about Bush and is likely to vote for Kerry. She trusted Bush, and now she doesn't, and she was embarressed by him, she wrote:

Your guy definitely won last night. Bush was embarrassing. I'm left in a quandary. Wanting to support my team (Republicans), but feeling the other guy is more stately.
Kerry scares me - he's a liberal [funny, many liberals find him too hawkish and conservative]. I'm not a social conservative, but definitely a fiscal one. I work for the government now (my county job). I see WASTE. I see gov't programs galore where people sit around and don't do much of anything. Then I envision it at the federal level and realize much of our
government spending is welfare - lots of jobs that could be done by much fewer
So, it may be that I vote for Kerry and rely on a Republican Congress to keep
some fiscal sense.[she's clearly not aware of the Republican Congress we have today] I don't know. Bush just looked like his own caricature. [Her husand] and I were both making fun of him! I wanted to go pull my sign out of my yard.

It's extraordinary to me that people need to have a contrast (in this case, Kerry's statesmanship) to see the truth. It's like we can't read people or see who they really are until we see the opposite right next to them. That's sad. I figured if people hadn't figured it out by now, they never would, I was unmoved by Bush's reactions because he has always looked that goofy and not-in-charge to me. I don't get it.

Believe me, I'm happy the contrast is working, but wow, people really have been asleep.

Funny, I think this country is absolutely ready for Kerry's solemn and serious demeanor and leadership. Clinton is so pre-9/11. Iowa knew that.

Kerry's against nuclear proliferation. Hope not fear! Peace, peace, peace!

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