Saturday, February 02, 2008

Obama's cross-over appeal...

Thank you DB Cooper and Vigilante:

Eisenhower endorsement

I was just thinking today about Obama's point during the debate, something like "We need a new mindset," when it comes to using our military. Spot on!! The main reason I am opposed to Hillary being our nominee is because she has so strikingly supported every Bush military move, especially the last one with Iran. She claims she couldn't have foreseen him using their Iraq vote for invasion (huh?) and that she doesn't think they can now use that Congressional Iranian National Guard = Terrorists bill to go to war with Iran. If she hasn't learned by now that lawless Bush and Cheney need little, if any, encouragement for war, she is worse than Wolf Blitzer's "naive" slap--she's blind.


Vigilante said...

Pinks, do you really feel Wolf Blitzer is naive? IMO, maybe he is a useful idiot, but he certainly is a (self) willing tool. AQI is purportedly using mentally-retarded women as human bombs in Iraq. (Now, why did I think of that when I was discussing Wolfie?)

Pink Liberty said...

Hi Vigilante, whoops, I changed the text. I was referring to Blitzer labeling Hillary naive during the last debate (in regard to her vote on Iraq). Blitzer is any corporatist's tool, definitely.