Thursday, January 10, 2008

Volatile Voters

Josh Marshall outlines three possible explanations for the fact that both polls and exit polls showed Obama comfortably ahead in the New Hampshire primary. He leaves out another one: FRAUD. Pundits are all very uncomfortable with the results but few seem ready to acknowlege fraud and I just don't get it.

Are 40% of the voters actually relying on Diebold machines in NH? If so, can we do a recount of those ballots to verify the machines' results? If they are correct, we can establish some trust for them, so should we even go there? I certainly think we should no longer look the other way when exit polls and results don't match, even when the Daily Kos asks us to (I think the comments make some good points for investigating this anamoly). I think it's lunacy to trust without verfication:

Diebold Lunacy Post

Update: I'm leaning more toward believing that her victory was the success of Hillary's anti-choice and tax hike propaganda that she accused Obama about. Everything will get more negative from them.

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