Saturday, January 12, 2008

Stereotypical blather in the L.A. Times

It's stuff like this that helped us decide to dump this newspaper subscription; we read it every day.

What wasted breath. If you're going to go after Hillary for being too eager, why not just cite her desperate, Rove-like tactics that are shown below. The pro-choice newsletter, the cocaine comments by her people, etc. There's nothing particularly male or female about her ambition, it's human. It's going after the gold ring.

But future generations are going to cite crap articles like this to prove how sexist we still are.


LET'S TALK said...

I haven't seen much on your other site since Christmas, I hope things are OK with you.

LET'S TALK said...

Sorry I ment that for another blogger.

Vigilante said...

I get your criticism, Pinks. But I still think this Daum column represents excellent writing.

Vigilante said...

As a matter of fact, I had to comment on my own HRC thread!