I swear, if we can't take a poke from our own every once in awhile, what are we?
Update: As my brilliant husband consisely put it, "Why can't we just admit the truth that the country was/is divided and the he is a candidate that might unite it?"
This does fall under the "Obama's right, but why say that..." banner. Gore wasn't the most popular and inspiring candidate when he was running in 2000, and Kerry, well, ARGH, and I defended that guy then. I remember thinking Gore was an academic boob at at least one debate (and I can be one too). The truth is, this is a divided country and the Republicans and Democrats in Washington and elsewhere keep it that way. They have so much more to run on when they are in opposition while they both take cash from some of the same lobbyists. Give me a break, lefties.
The Kos
This post takes me back to that debate when Obama said Clinton's criticisms, something like "That's raising taxes," to Obama and Obama's heated response was something like "That's something Romney or a Republican would say!" Which is true!! It's such a paradox; we are not mortal enemies, those Republicans and Democrats, but we DO want to separate ourselves from their anti-American tactics. So it is not EVIL to say that Clinton is like a Republican, but it behooves us to differentiate ourselves from their B.S. Obama is not engaging in B.S. when he is accused, by Democrats, of using Republican talking points. Obama's attacks are real criticisms of policy and just because they could benefit Republicans doesn't mean we shouldn't voice them. Besides, we need to stop stepping around Republicans and what they will make/say/do of us ASAP. Who cares what fear-mongering they are going to engage in? If they don't have facts they'll just make crap up, so all that matters is how we respond to THEM, when the time comes.
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