So last night Edward's made his campaign for President personal. That's okay I guess, but I'm not sure what he was implying about the other candidates by that. If he's been so moved by his humble beginnings why did he fall in lockstep with the DLC when he was in Congress? I realize he says he's had a change of heart since he ran for V.P. with Kerry and voted for the war, but the whole thing makes me a bit nervous about him. With the exception of a clear anti-nuclear plan (praise the Lord), he failed to differentiate himself from Obama's policies much (and I was hoping he would challenge Obama on these differences).
Obama was much more specific about some things, like how he ideally wants a single-payer healthcare system, and he maintained his cool "it's not about me" vision and managed to stay above the Hillary defensiveness. The whole Richardson/Hillary experience vs. inspiring vision was a waste of time.
I thought Hillary started strong because she stopped saying she was experienced and demonstrated her perspective on world events with the Pakistan example. She was right in the groove there, then she moved on to the same old defensive attacks and entitled attitude. This is what I posted on the Political Wire:
I liked Hillary's resume points, particularly standing up to a veto threat (if she indeed did so), but I felt her defense of her own record was communicated through anger and resentment; perhaps because of a sense of entitlement, or a feeling of not getting credit, etc. And then topping off what could have been a sincere defense with a fatalistic statement about false hopes (which seems to undermine her own claims to be able to make change) puts her right back on the attack track AND again converges her with Mitt Romney's attitude who also said we couldn't combat global warming in 10 years like Huckabee wants to. No thanks to those who put limits on our abilities before we even begin--plus those limits seem defined by corporate interests.
I actually think this was a good debate for her, but I still think Obama wins by his grace and confidence.
1 comment:
I thought John Edwards performed best, better than Obama. But he always does in debates, I think.
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