Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Hooray, the Democrats grew defiant today!

I want it noted that it took a brave WOMAN, Barbara Boxer to start the ball rolling as the opposition party takes shape. Sen. Kerry, never one to turn away from a strong woman, was inspired to stand with her. Now there are other Democrats joining them to vote against slimy Gonzales. FINALLY!

The debate is starting to bring back memories of Anita Hill and Clarence Thomas, I keep hearing Republicans pull the race card. Orin Hatch was basically arguing that Gonzales should be appointed because Hispanics are watching. WHAT? Oh yes, let's make sure our first Hispanic Secretary of State is a corrupt and irresponsible lawyer who advocates torture and gets rich bastards off of jury duty (and out of embarressing and illuminating situations).

It's not hard to have principles, it's just hard to stick by them. Republicans often don't care about morals, and Democrats are often afraid to be moralistic. The irony is absolutely Orwellian.

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