Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Hey urban Republicans, do you like being played like a fiddle?

t r u t h o u t - Vincent Jauvert Secret History of a Reelection:

"Bush's men target their messages with an unheard of precision. Even billboards. County by county, their computers indicate the typical route 'Republican sympathizers' take from home to work. All they have to do is reserve the billboards along the way. The same for the small screen. Buying big blocks of television time is now out of the question. They want everything tailored. They know which are the favorite programs of each category of electors. With some surprises sometimes. White House advertisers nearly fainted when they discovered that women 'moderately sympathetic to the Republican Party' adore a gay TV series. But they got over it quickly and conceived some commercials specifically for that audience, carefully avoiding, naturally, any reference to Bush's frankly homophobic discourse (that specifically intended for white Protestant men who drive 4x4s and read 'Hunting Magazine').

The Bush team segments its message with perfect cynicism. An example: 'We made lots of radio commercials for rural areas, but we made sure that the radio stations in question were not broadcast in the cities,' explains Paul Curcio, one of the most frequently seen advertising specialists in Republican circles. Why take such precautions? 'Because rural people on the right are very very right wing,' he explains. 'So we speak to them in very muscular tones. Urban dwellers, generally more moderate, mustn't hear it. They would be frightened.' "

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