Friday, September 21, 2007

The trap of Playing Nice

I'm still reading Moral Politics and I've finished the "Strict Father" morality (the idealistic conservative) and am in the midst of the "Nurturing Parent" morality (the idealistic liberal) and have found a really interesting explanation for why Congress is acting the way it is (especially Democrats). I'm paraphrasing, but it seems that most liberals place "get along with others morality (social ties)" above requiring a "nurturing world/morality." This differs greatly from the much more confrontational morality of many conservatives who consider anyone who disagrees with them evil (I've actually been more like a conservative in that line of thinking in my not so distant past--in fact, I have to consciously remind myself that moralities other than my own are not evil).

It's kind of sad, but also unavoidable, that when a liberal disagrees with a conservative, they are ten times more likely to compromise with the conservative than the conservative is to compromise with the liberal. That's because we're trapped: we can't be the peacemaker (one of our leading values) and the dictator at the same time. The conservative has it easy; their dictatorial manner is considered "moral authority" and that's one of their leading values. So our peaceful, moral worldview/plan gets compromised, again and again.

Doesn't that make some sense of the world today?


Vigilante said...

IMO, Liberals don't have as productive mental frame as do Progressives. Liberals tend to be spontaneous and tolerant. Progressives have an agenda, are constantly thinking about how to 'progress' from point A to Point B, and not as easy to distract with peripheral issues. Progressive sacrifice spontaniety for discipline.

Pink Liberty said...

Interesting division of leftist thinking; I'll digest that idea and see if I can parse out what values make progressives more disciplined in their pursuit of progress than liberals. Liberals do have to be disciplined in our values to raise our children with our values--and moral and thus societal growth is a major value. I think it may come down to Democrats/progressives who want radical reform NOW vs. Democrats/liberals who are willing to let progress happen slowly (Hillary Clinton). If that's the difference, I'm definitely the former.

LET'S TALK said...

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