Thursday, July 05, 2007

The media's moral equivalency

How in the world does someone who stands up to a bully get insulted by witnesses? When it's a progressive who stands up to the bully.

Ann Coulter has insulted the Edwards' family to such a degree it's impossible to ignore it; she has accussed them of using their own son's death because they have been inspired to public service because of it; she has misrepresented John's sexual preference; she has wished for John's death by terrorists.

Elizabeth politely and publically asked her to stop the personal attacks on her family.

And now the media is saying the Edwards' are just as "bad" as Coulter, since they got to raise some funds for their PUBLIC SERVICE campaign because of the confrontation (which COULTER started years ago and refreshed her attacks very recently).

When you are insulted, you have two moral choices; and it is a catch 22 (As pointed out to me by the book Moral Politics). You either respond and inflict harm yourself, or you don't. If you inflict harm, that isn't a good thing, but at least you've tried to "even the score," and have sought retribution. Conservatives normally give people credit for this; e.g. the death penalty and spanking. However, if you turn the other cheek, and don't seek retribution, you're on Jesus' side and are living in moral purity, which liberals very often advocate; but you have failed to "even the score" morally speaking.

So, as you can see, the Edwards' are in a Catch 22. Either they take Coulter's crap, and turn the other cheek, or they fight back. In either choice they will get criticized. It should be that conservatives are cheering them for fighting back! But alas! The conservatives are criticizing them for not turning the other cheek!! Hmmm, their system of retribution is only for conservatives who are harmed! Liberals remain silent on the issue, or equally condemn it, because we do believe in turning the other cheek (to some extent); and generally frown on "profiting" from bad situations.

This liberal is very glad that someone is taking on Ann Coulter, and a pox on the houses of the press (not the people; that's mean) that give her air time. I'm glad that the candidate I support can actually benefit somehow from Ann Coulter's and the press' nasty alliance. I know in my heart that the campaign would rather not have that as it's fundraising catalyst--welcome to Real Politics. The light has to shine on the dark.



Vigilante said...

Pinks, please see my comment this morning in SwiftSpeach. I had an AHAH moment pertaining to JRE, and I'm giving you all your 'props'!

Stella by Starlight said...

Ditto vigilante's comment.