Saturday, July 28, 2007

The Cancer In Front of Our Faces

Last week my son's babysitter was telling me how painful and intrusive her breast cancer detection surgery was. She still doesn't know if she has breast cancer or not, but she's scared and has two staples in the breast that didn't have pain in it.

She asked me if I thought organic foods would "save" us from cancer, because she knew that a friend of hers was not saved this way. "My friend doesn't smoke, or drink, and she eats organic foods, she got cancer." I said that I eat organic foods and use air filters to help, but I know I could still get sick because of the dirty air, the furniture, the chemicals in everything, but if I do get sick at least I'll have an easier time adopting a REALLY healthy lifestyle.

Low and behold, the L.A. Times had an op-ed that discusses the cancer causing chemicals that "Virtually every Californian tested has shown levels of these chemicals in his or her body. They migrate from the furniture into dust particles and find their way into children, pets and the breast milk of nursing mothers."

Assemblyman Mark Leno (D-San Francisco) is sponsoring a bill, AB 706, that bans all chlorinated and brominated fire retardants from use in furniture...The bill also would require the toxicity of chemicals used to meet fire safety standards.

LET'S HELP LENO!! ASAP! Assemblyman Mark Leno

Fire retardants in furniture were required 32 years ago to protect smoker's from falling asleep and burning their beds and couches. Too bad so sad; that's the unhealthy tail wagging the healthy dog. We don't harm all the babies to save the few dunces. Of course, my husband did point out that dunces can endanger entire apartment buildings, so that is something to ponder.


Vigilante said...

Gawd, Pinks, I had no idea....

Sapo said...

I eat vegetarian, buy organic (almost exclusively), and my partner and I avoid using the awful, deadly chemicals people use in and around their houses.

I do what I can to limit the harm I am doing to the planet. I can do still more.

I live in a town with a pulp mill that spews toxins into the air every day.

We allow corporations to kill us for profit - because money is more important than human health.

I don't know why. I wish someone would explain it to me.

Eating organic is not going to prevent any disease - that's not how things work - but it will help to heal the earth from the abuse inflicted upon it by the money-hungry chemical manufacturers and agri-businesses.

If you haven't, I recommend reading Singer and Mason's The Way We Eat.

A real eye opener for anyone who has not thought about where their food comes from and the horrors we inflict on the animals we share this planet with.

Pink Liberty said...

M.D. I hope you have heavy duty HEPA filters plus in your home, that will help. We do that.

Stella by Starlight said...

M.D.'s right: eating organic doesn't stop cancer. I'm a survivor who ate organically and vegetarian for years.

I'm definitely going to take your advice on those HEPA filters.

I understand first-hand what your son's babysitter endured, and am sending her positive thoughts that she is OK.