Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Bad Cop, Good Cop on Iran

Iran and Rice

Iran is a threat to Israel, not the U.S. So why the hell is the U.S. shouting down Iran's throat with unsubstantiated claims that they are creating nuclear weapons? According to sources inside the pentagon the idealistic, unrealistic, neo-con pentagon that brought us Iraq is planning to mow down and "democratize" Iran. I'm sure conservatives again have blind faith that our military can effortlessly accomplish this major task...light and quick...we must have learned from Iraq.

The pentagon thinks that we just have to bomb out some nuclear sites in Iran (hope that they don't flatten Israel if we miss) and then the Iranian people will topple their leadership and will greet us as liberators. Sound familiar?

I didn't believe it at first, but now I do. Why do I keep thinking rational minds will take over when nothing rational has happened during Bush's entire term?

Rice and Bush are taking the same damned course they did with Iraq. They are building an argument that only they find credible (e.g. Iran is definitely making bombs). They are eager to push a resolution through the U.N., watch it crumble, and then bomb.

In keeping with conservatives' canny ability to tell people what to do, yet offer those people no incentives to do it, we are not engaged in any negotiations with Iran. Europe, on the other hand, is offering technological and economic incentives to try to stop Iran's nuclear course. Smarter. Win/Win.

Too bad we can't stop Iran from developing nuclear power, too. Bush's people are working at building more U.S. "nucular" plants (and bombs!) soon--yet another example of half-baked and irresponsible Repubican ideas. They call the production of nuclear waste products "clean energy." Buggers. If only they cared a wit about G_d's green earth. If only they could demonstrate that they care a wit about anything other than GREED.

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