Monday, August 04, 2008

Image and the $100 bill

Some might think that Obama has a mistake (the world is full of Republicans who look for mistakes). One being something like saying, "I don't look like most presidents on our dollar bills," (I actually think he resembles Abe Lincoln's physique and possibly some Jeffersonian features, but I digress). Even liberals may see this as Obama injecting racial issues into the debate, but they may not be aware that he was reacting to an ad McCain ran in June that showed Obama on a dollar bill, highlighting his white shirt and dark features (turning up the CONTRAST for us) and as the dollar fades and enlarges Obama's face turns yellow, grotesque and "explodes" out of the frame. I'm trying to find the blog that reported this with images but I can't seem to load any of those websites. Oh, here's one.

So why the retraction? I think Obama's retraction is a wise move to keep race out of the fight. He doesn't need Americans lining up trying to decide if McCain's a racist, or if Obama's sensitive to racism (I think he knows what an insensitive society we are, and how intolerant we are of the sensitive of ANY color, race or gender) but what we do know is that McCain's consciously appealing to racists. Does using racist tactics make someone a racist? Uh, yeah. But who's job is it to call him one? The voters.

Update: Ah, this is what I was speaking of (let's be callous, America! No need to be sensitive to the feelings of blacks, women, Jews, atheists, liberals, Christians, oh, maybe I'm going to far there...): Suck it up

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