Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The Evolution of Peace

I keep goading my husband into agreeing with me that violent and non-violent people are biologically different. He's not buying it and keeps poking holes in my theories (he's awesome). But that description is the closest I've gotten to getting his approval..."liberal" vs "conservative" didn't cut it for him and he quickly gave me an example of a violent liberal and a peaceful, patriotic conservative. I myself have been a very angry liberal, a "fighter" and now that I have kids I'm trying to check myself so that they will be more like their father, a judicial, playful, principled and peaceful man (of course, both of my children know this about their father already!).

There are a few reasons I keep thinking about violent vs. non-violent. It has always bothered me that the liberals have been assassinated so much more than the conservatives (attempts were made on Regean, but the liberal list is long: John Lennon, MLK, JFK, RFK, and even the recent killings of the Democratic chairman and the Unitarians.)

It's like the peace symbol is a target for some people, and it helps me to realize that there are just some people who think that peace is threatening to their future. It helps me realize that peace is really something we need to advocate, stand for, and educate each other about. It means that I no longer take it for granted that people want to be good...being in a state of goodness, tranquility, and peace is a battle inside each one of us to some degree. A peaceful world is worth securing for the safety and health of our families and country.


Vigilante said...

Yes, the KIA statistics are running against us Progressives. But, also see my comment here about thoughtlessly deriving levity out of assassinations.

Vigilante said...

I would go on to say that it's not Liberals who stop most of the bullets, but Progressives. It's the prospect of real change that the rest of us can believe in that frightens the nutjobs with guns.

Stella by Starlight said...

You and vig are absolutely right about assassination of those who want to do good. And I agree with you that those who commit those violent acts "think that peace is threatening." Who would be their scapegoat? Where would their hatred go? They'd have to change.

Both you and Schmog have good points: is hatred developed by nature or nurture? I don't know, but here's a couple of places to start.

Most Evil, a scale developed by Dr. Michael Stone is fascinating. The show is on Discovery.

Some think that evil is caused by a damaged frontal lobe, like Schmog. Others believe it's environmental factors. I don't know, but think you both have good points to make.

All my best to you both and to baby Urban Schmog.

Valley Dude said...

best blogger on the web, that pink!!! XO

p.s., yes I'm writing this at 6:20 in the morning on Saturday, after I've been at work since 7:30 a.m. Friday..... ack

Vigilante said...

You're biased, Schmog, but it's entirely understandable!