Thursday, December 27, 2007

To Life, or Death, which do you choose?

In my mind there are actions that people take that either move toward life, or move toward death. It became very obvious to me recently that there are a lot of fundamentalist religious types who are praying for death. There are thousands of people (at least) who are really looking forward to an Armageddon where Jesus, yes Jesus, returns to earth and kills millions of non-believers. The man who wrote "The Fall of the House of Bush," has said that he's stood in Israel with fundamentalists who can't wait to see the dead on fields there.

I get the same feeling from some people who hunt. Mmmm, death, how soon can I cause it and watch it, and even eat it? It's the same with the armchair soldiers. GQ has a great article this month that reveals how much we love war carnage.

So while many of us believe in a Jesus (or Christ) that worked for peace, compassion and love; there are very many Christians who believe in a militaristic Jesus who punishes and kills. The human condition is in deep peril, and we must all work hard to keep our peace loving lights lit and growing while snuffing out the fires of hell in the hearts of men on earth.


1 comment:

Vigilante said...

I confess I lustily endeavor to kill all rodents who invade my resident. By any means possible. But not my back yard. I am only amused when the marauding raccoons disturb the food bin for my dog.