Friday, December 28, 2007

Why the urgency in 2000?

My posts have a bit of drama in them since I've been battling the flu with myself and my two year old for going on ten days.

I woke up from a nap today lucidly thinking about how the Supreme Court intervened in 2000 and handed George Bush the Presidency. I was wondering, shouldn't we investigate that and impeach some judges (as my husband informed me was possible later in the evening)? I mean, what was the urgency? Why couldn't we wait to count the votes? What threat was there to our country that made a result so incredibly needed ASAP? We had till January! And most importantly, the court's choice was WRONG.

I think I was thinking about this because it's so easy to look at Pakistan and think, "Hey you, your government is corrupt and we don't believe you're seeking justice." Well, that slap sticks to us in spades, even without the suicide bombers to boot.

1 comment:

Vigilante said...
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