Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Victimization Appeal

I get an e-mail from Hillary Clinton's campaign asking for cash before the next Democratic debate to show her a "massive" show of support since she's "under attack." Does that appeal to women? If so, YUK. This on the day after I read the intro to Edwards moving 70+ page plan for America that he's distributing to every Iowan (I think that's who). What's your plan, Hillary? She sounds like Nixon, "...she's attacking the problems facing America." Like what? Iranian terrorists? So I gave $15 to Howard Dean to get more Californians donating to help our state elect Democrats (his Democrats, preferably).


Stella by Starlight said...

Bravo, Urbanpink! Great idea. Now all we have to do is secede from the U.S. and become our own country (again). After all, we do live in the California Republic. Our flag says so.

Seriously, I like the idea of donating locally because I believe the donation gets to the right places and accomplishes much more in the political and charitable arenas.

Vigilante said...

You rock, Pinks! You could break that ceiling!