Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Class warfare

No one knows exactly why Bush and Co. wanted to invade Iraq. I think at this point it's easy to see that oil was a big motivator, and so was the WW2 idea that we could fight a grand war and seem to be beating terrorists (after all, how many terrorists were we going to find in Iraq? It should have been easy.).

I personally think that it was the simple sin of greed.

I recently heard a story, from a good source, about the Saudi King and Queen when they go to Las Vegas (usually in a stretch luxury vehicle). They spend millions of dollars there. So much so that they have been given a multi-million dollar diamond necklace as a parting gift by the hotels and casinos. It's a kind of wealth that seems unimaginable to me (not desired) but it occurred to me that perhaps THIS is what the Bushes, Cheneys and Roves want for themselves. They want to be as rich and internally _powerful_ as the Saudi royalty. As I write about it the whole thing seems less profound than when the idea first occurred to me, but then, what else do they want? This seems to make sense to trivial as it seems now (since these are not my values).

I'm hoping to write several entries on my criticism of elites (the very wealthy and influential) in our country. I think they are a mess and we need to reform our economic system and cultural ideals radically and quickly.


Stella by Starlight said...

Urbanpink, you're dead on. Avarice, sociopathology, and narcissim.

Remember the Pretender's address in Michael Moore's Farenheit 911? "It would be so much easier to run a dictatorship."

Little did we know how serious he was.

Pink Liberty said...

Hi Stella,

Since writing this I've heard Thom Hartman (sp) discussing how so many conservatives throughout history are bent on elites ruling the majority. They have no interest in a representative Democracy...just look at the Bushes here and in Iraq for proof of those desires in action.