Thursday, May 24, 2007


Someone just called into say this whole thing would be a lot easier if we just dropped the bomb, like Hiroshima, on Iraq and got it over with, so they'd know they can't mess with us, so we won't lose like we lost Vietnam.

He feels comfortable saying that on C-Span, yet I don't feel comfortable putting a peace sticker on my car (because of what people like him might choose to do to my car while I'm not in it).

Another caller just threatened Democrats that "they will pay" if they cut off funding. This caller appreciated the bombing comment.

God help us.

Okay, so these lunies are probably calling their representatives, are WE?

1 comment:

Stella by Starlight said...

Go ahead and put those stickers on! I've got, "Mommy, there's a Republican under my bed," "I support our veterans, I voted for one," and "Bush has blood on his hands. If you voted for him, so do you."

There's more, but it's late. Enjoy Don't blame me, I voted 4 Kerry, one of many sites that has great stickers.

Thanks for the rant, Urbanpink. I feel like I'm not alone.