It's been SO LONG since my husband I started supporting the withdrawal of our troops from Iraq that it feels like our troops have been out there in deadly limbo forever. Most Americans are not suffering at all. I think it's wrong that we are asking our troops to sacrifice their lives while we go shopping as our "sacrifice" (I must credit John Edwards for that stream of thought).
I predicted that Americans would be in the streets by March asking for us to pull out, alas, despite the "Honk to stop the war," protestors on a street corner in Echo Park yesterday, it looks like most Democrats are hoping Democrats in Congress will change Bush's mind.
Who could ask us to protest that would get us all protesting? Colin Powell? Who is a beloved American right now? Are we too partisan, too divided? [I was really sad yesterday when I heard a bunch of yuppies calling a union picket line "crazy!" How crazy is it not being able to make a living wage in L.A.?]
Yes, I do believe Democrats in Congress are working on stopping the war (yawn), and as Hillary pointed out during the Thursday night debate, those Democrats are facing a lot of Republicans in lock-step trying to thwart their efforts (she asked for their help, she was very good that night). I have hope that this veto (has it happened already?), and Tenet's (et. al) testimony, is going to bring Bush's war to an end within the month (just call me a perpetual optimist).
I was very sad to learn of the death of the journalist (car accident), David Halberstam, who was a critic of this war. Peace be with you and yours. He leaves us with this legacy:
"In both Vietnam and Baghdad, you have American governments constructing their policies out of mendacity and delusion, and young men and women are dying for that lethal combination."
Mendacity, I had to look that up (doesn't it look like a combination of the phrase, "the audacity of men?") but I think I understood what he meant. Lying, but more than that, the TENDENCY to lie. The ongoing nature of LYING. CONTINUING the lies.
The fact that most Americans do not support our President and his job, and do not support the war, or his surge, means to me that Americans should be holding our President accountable for all of this NOW!!! We have an unrealistic, menacious and delusional man, pursuing this war by using American troops to carry out his corrupt, deadly plans. He is making it more and more HIS war every day.
I believe the Administration is continuing to permit people to kill and be killed in the name of not looking bad.
I wonder, when the name of each American soldier killed comes back over the wire, when each day dozens of Iraqi civilians are killed, how George W. Bush sleeps at night.
I wouldn't waste my mind or lose sleep over how Bush can sleep.
You two aren't old enough to have benefited from the wisdom of C. Wright Mills. His favorite word was obfuscation. So, that is the 3rd reason why too many Americans have slept too soundly for the last half decade: mendacity, delusion, and obfuscation.
The lower the approval ratings go, the more the war becomes his and his alone.
I get the feeling that he could have a 5% approval rating and he still wouldn't put a stop to it.
Not only could the schmuk have a 5% rate and continue, he'd probably scratch his ass uh I mean his head and say I'll be damned 5% still agree!
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