In person he's much like he appears on TV, in fact, my husband and I believe he was born to be on TV. It's no wonder he spends so much time on his hair, it looks great--I don't recall ever seeing eyes glow blue in person before last night, and there is a disarming comfortableness in his firm handshake. Elizabeth spoke first; she appears to be grounded, mature and real. He seemed serious as he prepared to speak, then loosened up talking about her successful book (more so than his) and with a joke about being on the Jon Stewart show. They seem like really serious, mature, caring, dedicated, principled people. He is as disgruntled with the current administration and Congress as the rest of us. He made a good point before we left for our dinner reservations...
Why aren't the people who have the power to pull funding for this insane military operation pulling funding for it?
As I slashed and burned my way through my perceived superficial qualities of Edwards performance to my husband on the way to dinner (my dark side) and as my husband defended Edwards against my slights valiently (God bless my husband) I failed to note that Edwards had a good point about Congress, and he was angry about it.
I think he'll just get stronger as he gets going...and I really don't think his change of heart about the war hurts him...he's like most Americans in that regard. And we rarely hold the past against people anymore, just look at George Bush and Hugh Grant.
My question to Obama is, where's your threat to cut off funding now? Get them home!!
As my wise hubby observed, no candidate should be afraid to lose this election with a wrong's too limiting and makes the candidate too vulnerable, and disqualifies bold stands. Kerry showed us clearly what inaction results in.
Make a wrong decision? Apologize later (and only if it really hurt somebody). I swear, there is nothing left to lose in this hour.
Sorry Vigilante, I didn't get a chance to ask Edwards any questions, although I could have said, "Keep it positive!" but didn't think of that...he's not.
He's not what?
Are you asking what Edwards is not in my opinion? Like the few criticisms I'm keeping to myself?
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