Monday, October 23, 2006

Osama, Osama where art thou?

I'm puzzled about how the GOP believes using Osama to scare people will make them vote Republican.

Osama has not been caught.

Osama has been ignored by President Bush, "I don't think about him much..." or some other such nonsense.

So now they think he's a threat? Why not before?

What's real, is he a threat or not?

If so, why haven't they caught him?

I think he's been a threat all along, and have often wondered why we've been fighting people in Iraq instead...and if he's still such a big threat why we're not turning over every rock in Afghanistan and Pakistan...the Taliban seem to know where he is.

What's up with Osama, GOP?

1 comment:

Vigilante said...


What's up with Osama, GOP?
Would make a great bumper sticker or lapel pin!