Tuesday, October 10, 2006

McCain slips to new lows

McCain Blame Game

In stark contrast to most analysis of the Clinton/North Korea situation, McCain sinks to a new low on the "Republicans blame Clinton for Bush's failures" bandwagon.

Did Bush/Rove pay McCain for this break from reality, or did "I support the man who insulted my family to campaign against me" McCain volunteer this nugget of irresponsible, unprincipled drivel himself? I guess it just doesn't matter why they blame, only that they do it, over and over and over.


Vigilante said...

ABC="Always Blame Clinton" doesn't cut it anymore.

How long has the GOP been in control of all 5 branches of government? (I don't recollect, Senator. I'm just testifying to knowing that they have been long years.)

Pink Liberty said...

As my husband observed, "Bush has been in office SIX YEARS and he's blaming Clinton for North Korea? Huh?" On top of that, no rational human being believes that you can solve an argument or conflict with a person by refusing to talk to them and telling everyone else they are evil. Duh. And let's just keep relying on Russia and China to take care of our nuclear fears, too. Can we call an emergency session and impeach this reckless, immature, gut-checker tomorrow?