Saturday, September 23, 2006

Distasteful Hypocrisy

Dear MSNBC and Tucker Carlson,

On the children's book _Mommy is a Democrat_

TUCKER CARLSON: "It is, of course, propaganda, and it's always and everywhere wrong and creepy and should be obviously a bad thing to do to impose your politics on children. Doesn't matter what your politics happen to be. Kids ought to be immune from politics. Be quiet, don't push it on them."

On the children's book _Help! Mom! There are Liberals Under My Bed!_

TUCKER CARLSON: "'s a clever book, I have to say. Thanks a lot for coming on. I hope it sells."

The first book simply stresses liberal values, the second book attacks liberals but the first book is the propaganda? HUH?

You didn't call a book ostensibly about conservative "values," that apparently includes making liberals scary "propaganda." Tucker Carlson, are you saying that being a Democrat and having and promoting Democratic values is WRONG and attacking liberals is RIGHT?

1 comment:

Cocacy said...

Excellent post. I love how your blog addresses politics almost daily. I want to make my blog more politically oriented as well given all that is currently going on.