Thursday, March 31, 2005

Iraqi Children Fared Better under Saddam - Report

Here we are the Great United States of America, led by Bush who is erring on the side of life again by making Iraqi children suffer more than Saddam did. What's going on???? I actually think he means to consistently "error about life."

See, I've told you those who claim to be social conservatives often don't care about fetuses once they become children. I heard a conservative reporter framing the philosophy of Republican social conservatives as believing that every form of human life is equal--that a fetus or a stem cell or a brain-damaged person's life is as valuable as any fully functioning person. That's a lie, this is not their philosophy--if that were true social "conservatives" would want healthcare for American children and would care that we're killing Iraqi children. The truth is that "pro-lifers" behave as if fetuses are much more valuable than living children.

t r u t h o u t - Iraqi Children Fared Better under Saddam - Report

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