Sunday, July 18, 2004

The Power of NBC

Dear NBC News,

I watched your Saturday night news and the story on John Kerry's preparation for the Democratic convention was so one-sided it was shocking. All the "independent" commentary was provided by Republican pollsters and the reporting itself constituted most of this week's conservative radio host Republican talking points. Republican operatives have spent the week attacking John Kerry for his wealth, which your report also did in pictures and inuendo. Your reporter also STATED that Kerry is not connecting with the people as a set up to these images. This "observation" was said completely without context or explanation. The last word in the report was from a Republican pollster predicting that the Republican convention would reveal the "true Kerry" rather than the "new Kerry."

How does your network even pretend to uphold an ideal of responsible journalism when such a simple report is both so stilted and anti-educational?

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