Sunday, July 25, 2004

Double Think, Double Hate

In George Orwell's 1984 there is a political dissenter called, "Goldstein" that Big Brother has demonized and encourages the party faithful to actively hate.  Every day "two minutes of hate" occurs when the party members scream and yell and growl at a projected picture of Goldstein.  They shout things like "traitor!"  The book is ambiguous about whether Goldstein really exists, or whether he was created by Big Brother.

Today, liberals, gays and lesbians, political dissenters, feminists, poor blacks and anybody else who challenges the authority of George Bush and his cronies become the Republican party's "Goldstein."  Along with liberals, Kerry is often treated like Goldstein by conservative radio and TV hosts--they try to get us to hate every aspect of his life and that for which he stands. 

The other day I was again listening to AM 740's Kathy Bruce again (I know, why do I torture myself?).  Bruce believes she is morally superior to liberals.  She stated that "the left has no values...the left is all about moral relativism...the left cares more about blacks than white cops..." and on and on.  She didn't make any exceptions, she blanketed the left with these and more condemning and outrageous condemnations. 

Of course there are moral relativists on the left AND right.  All this means is that our moralities come from our cultural biases and knowledge--no two groups have absolutely the same morals.  Even within morals, situational ethics  are built-in.  Already as children we learn that some lies are okay in some situations (trivial lies that keep people we love from being hurt, e.g.  When Mom says, "How do you like my new dress?")  and other lies aren't okay, like lying about an affair, a plot, theft, hurting someone, etc.  It's not easy, but the degree of moral foul of a lie does depend on the situation.   What is Bruce, a moral absolutist?!  Moral absolutists have one set of rules that are expected to be followed by everyone in the society--not taking into account ethical or religious differences.  Hmm, who gets to pick those rules, Bruce?
In Kathy Bruce's world, moral relativism is always bad (it happens to be the dominant and popular philosophical state of our country), the left is always wrong, and the right is always right (she conceded that it's not yet powerful enough).  

Many conservative worldviews dismiss context, cause and affect, and the historical record; elements that come with experience, education and take ideas out of the realm of black and white and "with us or against us" bullying.  Quite simply, context and history get in the way of narcisistic dictators and nations.

The simple mindedness of generalizations like Bruce's should be shocking and alarming, however, this "with us or against us" approach seems to be working based on the popularity of similar radio shows, and Bush's climb in the polls (albeit slight).  The bump also seems to be the result of his ads' relentless negative attacks on Kerry and the drumbeat of conservative Kerry bashing. 

The sad truth is that Bruce and many of Bush's supporters are advocating a totalitarian mindset, just like the Nazis did to a prejudiced German and European public.  In totalitarianism, fascists advocate duty to the nation above and beyond the rights (or thoughts) of any individual.  There is no dissent, there is no debate, there is no appreciation for history, there is a suppression of progress (OIL ENERGY), competition is stifled, and life becomes only what the government wants.   Everybody must be in perfect agreement.

Today the conservative press and massive corporations seem like Big Brother.  Bill O'Reilly tells his liberal guests to "shut-up," and a Las Vegas hotel throws Linda Ronstandt out of both her room and her contract because she divulged her liberal opinion during a concert, and CBS journalist Dan Rather says that he and others are afraid to ask politicians tough questions (and boy is he a target of the right).

Free speech is actually free and unpunished in a liberal society, but free speech is suffocated out of existence in a fascist society. 

Of, relating to, being, or imposing a form of government in which the political authority exercises absolute and centralized control over all aspects of life, the individual is subordinated to the state, and opposing political and cultural expression is suppressed: “A totalitarian regime crushes all autonomous institutions in its drive to seize the human soul” (Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr.). 

often Fascism
A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, stringent socioeconomic controls, suppression of the opposition through terror and censorship, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism.
A political philosophy or movement based on or advocating such a system of government.
Oppressive, dictatorial control.

Bruce made an interesting point that the political correctness on the left can accuse people of being racist or sexist or somehow prejudiced with a flip of the tongue.  But in the context of totalitarianism this comment is simply about individual behavior.  Political correctness advocates respect for individuals, not the suppression of individual's opinions.  Being called politically incorrect doesn't feel good but is generally just a lack of understanding.  This is much less damning than when the right calls liberals national traitors, or unpatriotic, or al-Queda supporters. 

Who's got no values again?

Well, my principles tell me that it's worse to call a person who disagrees with your President a traitor, than to call a guy a sexist when he says women can't drive.  When Ann Coulter calls liberals "traitors," she is accusing them of felonious criminal activity!  There's no chance that a so-called sexist will, nor should be, tried as a felon.  

Who's extreme?  Who's advocating hate? 

Today Joe Scarborough was on a local political show, a radio and Fox conservative who called Michael Moore a "wacko" right before he said that it's actually the left who is advocating hate! 


I think liberals, gays, blacks, and a lot of women would beg to differ about which side of the political fence is using hate, fear and prejudice as part of their campaign strategy.  I'm not saying the left never hates, there are plenty of ranting blogs, but they don't appear to be acting on it or using hate or social intolerance for political advantage.  

I think some conservatives find social tolerance a weakness!   After 9/11, why doesn't the left want to imprison every Muslim?  Well, we happen to think Muslims are innocent until proven guilty, like any other human being.  Although it should be, it's not easy to take this rational position--and it's much easier to act out of fear and say, "Round 'em all up!."   This is what Roosevelt meant when he said, "There is nothing to fear, but fear itself." 

In today's fear mongering culture, it takes strength to say that every human being deserves dignity and the presumption of innocence until proven guilty by a court of law (this is a proud American value!).   It involves courage to stand up to a wave of understandable anger and reactive hatred.  It takes responsibility to call a crime against humanity a crime (instead of a fraternity prank).  This is what I see as American patriotism--principles of human dignity and the presumption of innocence until proven guilty. 

Politicians should adamantly try to avoid using fear and prejudice to govern because doing so puts them in the company of some very infamous murderous fascists and dictators--leaders who have found it disturbingly easy to round up millions of citizens and put them to death.

Conservatives are obviously nervous about Democrats and liberals asserting values, and they have been shockingly quick to dismiss liberals as lacking values.  I'm not about to assert that the right has no values, or even that right's values are wrong.  We just have different values. 

Why is it that the left is generally okay with the concept of difference and the right generally isn't? 

When different becomes wrong just because it's different, we have slipped down the slope into hellfire and condemnation.  This is when abortionists get murdered, pissed off Americans start bombing federal buildings, or shooting down black, white, Asian or Jewish innocent civilians, including children, or beating up gays.  This is extreme social intolerance and it's already happening.   We should also never make the mistake that different is better, either.

Are people now going to be targeted by armed thugs just because they are liberal or disagree with our government?  I bet even conservatives are chilled by this, they can't all be happy with the spending spree our government is having, are they scared of criticizing our government's policies?  Is that what Ann Coulter wants? 

Probably purposefully, a liberal values vs. conservative values fight doesn't even matter politically.  Republican and Democratic values in D.C. look about the same right now...they are all eager to spend tax payer money on nearly every lobbyist's interests. 

The other day, the Republican controlled Congress also had no intention of canceling congressional vacations to put immediate reforms in place based on the 9/11 commission's findings.  Aren't we expecting an attack soon?  And don't they care that we're ill prepared for one?   Our President presents no moral example to Congress to sacrifice their vacation in order to care for the Nation's business. 

This is not what Kennedy meant by, "Ask not what your country can do for you," but it is certainly a question of what must we do to make our country a more responsible government.  VOTE!  Kick the irresponsible bums out!  Check to see who you can vote for and who will take responsibility for our communites!  Patriots vote.

This is all so infuriating when we consider the Americans who sacrificed their lives over Pennsylvania on 9/11 in order to keep the White House and the Congress from being targeted.  They came together as a random assortment of Republicans, Democrats and Independents to become heroes for our Nation.

A few years later, the populace is left to become polarized by the press while debating which side has the moral high ground on gay lifestyles?  What a very convenient distraction for every politician who is not interested in the greater good for our time--or our future.  

Our communities deserve more from our government and more from each other. 

We particularly need to take care of our youth and teach them to respect themselves (if you are an adult and don't respect yourself, start now and show children how) and especially live with tolerance and a deeper understanding of others.


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