Wednesday, June 16, 2004


It just occurred to me that another good example of how some aspects of American culture belittle the sacred aspects of the human body is in the "moral rectitude" of the "pro-life" movement.

Of course, one can argue either side of the "life" coin on this, but a "pro-lifer's" only concern is the life or sacred body of the fetus. I commend them on their empathy and concern for the life of an unborn child. I share it because there is no getting around that abortion is a violent end to a human life. However, I have thought myself capable of doing it during the more impoverished and loveless times of my life, but could never imagine doing it now. You see, that is and was my choice, as it was my birth mother's choice (I am adopted). Yes, I would not exist if Mom had aborted me (possibly). Nor would I know that (or might I?).

Anyway, it is a woman's choice to allow her body to complete a pregnancy. It is also her body's choice (without any conscious influence of her will) to end or complete a pregnancy. Thus, there is no way to separate a woman's body and its health, ability and sanctity from the home it provides to a fetus. For those who imagine a fetus apart from a female body, or independent from a female body, and not completely dependent upon a female body, wake up. There's no getting around abortion as violence, just as there's no getting around her body as the giver and taker of life. To force or even request a woman to bring a fetus to full term against her will compromises both her own principles and her own body and health. Quite simply, forcing a woman to have a fetus risks that woman's life (thousands of American women a year die in childbirth even now). For a "lifer" to believe that they have the moral right to supercede not only a woman's will, but also her health, contradicts their own principle that "life is sacred."

Life is sacred. Where and how we make decisions for our lives, and the lives of others, speaks to our individual consciences and our relationship with G_d, and our communities. It is one thing to state that abortion is morally wrong (on that we can all agree or disagree and act with that awareness), but I have longed believed that it is a moral corruption as well as a misrepresentation to insist that one is "saving lives" by making abortion unavailable to every or any woman who decides that abortion is the best choice for her body. Also, no one person or law can stop every abortion. Taking away medical abortions only makes dangerous amateur abortions more common--a really healthy and ethical thing for "lifers" to advocate, right?

Dear "Lifers":

To ease your conscience...during pregnancy, only a woman (and her body) has complete moral and physical responsibility for the destiny of her and her baby's lives. Yes, it is an awesome responsibility--just not yours.


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