Monday, May 02, 2011

I wouldn't believe it about Liberals.

Okay, there are very few times (I hope) that I see the world in black and white.  I have a painting of a green circle called "and," and a painting called "or" and it's a black and white square.  But today I'm rarely in the black box of "or"

We can blame ourselves for 9-11, or we can blame the guy who joyfully took credit for killing 3,000 people.

We could let bin Laden live in peace, or we could have tried to arrest him.

We can imagine that we should have arrested and tried bin Laden, or we can understand that this religious nut was never going to raise a white flag.

We can hope that such a dramatic defeat of the Master of Terrorism will give stateside peace to more people in the world, or we can dwell on the fact that violence sucks and complain that we haven't yet figured out how to live without weapons of destruction. 

Isn't all the "if only it were a better world" ALWAYS obvious?

Okay, I hate violence, I hate guns, I hate intolerance, and I hate military solutions; but I'm f-ing glad when the good guy fighting the criminal has a GUN.  Period.

Next mission?  Wall Street, K Street...

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