Tuesday, April 05, 2011

No more sacrifices for us, no BALANCE

President Obama, I WANT you to point fingers of blame.  I WANT you to pick a side.  I WANT you to stand up to the forces of evil that are trying to dismantle every force of good in this country and every last corrupt politician who does not represent the ordinary workers in this country.

For I will cease to believe there are differences in you and those politicians until you focus on those differences in stark detail.

No games, just straight talk about who represents who.

No balance, no shared sacrifice; ordinary people fund this government, and we need representation in Washington.


Unknown said...

It is high time Obama starts lambasting these Republican obstructionists with all he's got!

Pink Liberty said...

Yes, he just has to say "no!" and you can't sell it!

Pink Liberty said...

Exciting politics today, Pelosi split the GOP votes in the House into GOP and GOP Extremist!!! Clear and Present! Obama leaked audio clarifies Rep. Ryan as a hypocrite!