Ever make a mistake? Ever say something really stupid? Better hope your not an opponent of a conservative political candidate.
Their method is this:
Find one stupid thing that somebody has said or done and DEFINE that person by it. You remember, flip-flopper... It's beyond judgemental, it's simplisticly psychotic.
Would you like to be defined like that? That's what conservatives and perfectionists do to people (I've done it, just ask me about a mysogistic actor I know).
Hey you, you're that person who said women drivers should be shot.
Over there, you didn't pay your credit card bill on time.
I'm going to come after you and remind you of that over and over and over--welcome to the 21st century in rightwing politics.
This is what the right did to Cindy Sheehan. Forget that she was a grieving mother, an anti-war protestor, a passionate patriot. She lost her mind and said that foreign fighters in Iraq were fighting for freedom. Naive, yes, evil, no.
But do a simple web search and you will find page after page of conservative news sources and blogs reporting this single, crazy comment.
I tried to look up when Bush was interviewed by Brian Williams and made the comment that he "generally means it" when he takes the blame for things (regarding Katrina).
No one noticed. I couldn't even find it on a website of Bushisms. Our president IS a fake, according to his actions in this war (meeting with experts for 45 MINUTES this morning?!?! Woo, got a lot done there!), social security and environmental actions, but no one notices.
Good thing we've got Cindy Sheehans number, though, eh? Oh, and remember that Delay and Libby are just being tried on technicalities.
The rightwing, "It's not what we DO it's what you SAY." Ugh!
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