Friday, March 11, 2005

"What Would Jesus Drive?"

Evangelical Leaders Swing Influence behind Effort to Combat Global Warming

Wow, I'm in shock. I didn't think Christians cared about the environment anymore. The only thing I'm uncomfortable with in this article is this statement:

"Mr. Cizik said he was among many evangelicals who would support some regulation on heat-trapping gases.

'We're not adverse to government-mandated prohibitions on behavioral sin such as abortion," he said. "We try to restrict it. So why, if we're social tinkering to protect the sanctity of human life, ought we not be for a little tinkering to protect the environment?'"

Tinkering with my womb and my body is not the same thing as tinkering with standards of emission. In fact, evangelicals want to force women to produce life which is not the same as simply protecting life by asking people not to produce toxic things, even if forcing women to produce life seems to involve "protecting" a life. But one can't even safely say that the mere act of having a baby protects life--it just produces one that needs protection. Are we all advocating that our society protect born children? Environmental cleanliness is a start...

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