Thursday, March 24, 2005

How to Turn Your Red State Blue, quote 2


t r u t h o u t - Christopher Hayes | How to Turn Your Red State Blue: "Getting my hair cut the other day, my hairdresser, a gay man in his 40s who just went back to school to become a social worker, told me about his family's politics. 'I can't even discuss politics with my siblings,' he said. 'My sister is a born-again Christian and my brother is the second best Army recruiter in the nation.' He paused for effect. 'And they say my lifestyle recruits.'
That accusation is one of the loopier bits of right-wing slander, but it's part of a larger narrative that claims the entire left is scheming non-stop to seduce and indoctrinate the unsuspecting. This is a comical bit of projection because it is the right that has so effectively created institutions to preach conservatism and win converts. "

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