Tuesday, March 22, 2005

The Schiavo Case and the Islamization of the Republican Party

t r u t h o u t - Juan Cole | The Schiavo Case and the Islamization of the Republican Party

Republican HYPOCRISY overflows in this case:

Interfering in the sacred bond of marriage in order to nullify the guardianship of one spouse over another.

Acting like life is sacred while they fight to wreck our environmental and thereby our physical health.

Acting like life is sacred while they don't fight to save American and innocent Iraqi lives in Iraq.

Acting like a woman's life is sacred when they are more than willing to force her to bear children (and possibly die or be crippled in childbirth) against her will.

Suddenly deciding that states' rights (legislation and rulings) don't matter when they are constantly advocating the primacy of states' rights.

Eliminating the separation between powers (Congress and the judiciary) when their own Rhenquist is one of the biggest advocates of the separation of powers.

For the second time since Gore vs. Bush, they are creating "one time" only rulings/legislation that they take pains to say shouldn't establish precedent. That's simply not principled, is purely political, lacking in responsibility for one's actions, and goes to the heart of the article above (Islamization).

I'm sure there's more....

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