Thursday, March 24, 2005

Bush Credibility Gap Grows as Court Rejects Schiavo Case

t r u t h o u t - Bush Credibility Gap Grows as Court Rejects Schiavo Case: " In the Schiavo case, critics say that after years of review, it is hard to argue that her family did not receive an adequate hearing in the Florida courts, at least by the standards that Congress has set in other cases where it has taken a hands-off approach to state-court actions.
They question whether the steps Bush and Congress have taken to keep the Schiavo case afloat in federal court belie an ideological bias.
'I could not imagine [House Majority Leader] Tom DeLay interrupting an Easter recess to come back for special legislation because there was a possibility that someone on death row was innocent,' said Louis Michael Seidman, a professor at Georgetown Law School in Washington."

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