Saturday, January 23, 2010

Cultural Climate of Hate

I watched Glenn Beck's documentary on Stalin et. al. and I realized how distracting it is from today's climate, that he contributes to. I think Beck's a bully who is campaigning to make progressive/liberal values an American enemy. My conservative friend is just laughing off his lies as "opinions" and tells me it "wakes" her up. I've told her he's trying to scare her and me and he's inflammatory and dangerous for my family; and that I will speak up when I see hate.

The Bush administration raised the status of bullying and government control in this country and the world and I don't think we've seen the end of it among our people. I sense that the election of Obama has emboldened hate groups and we've recently seen proof of that. The guy who killed 3 cops in Philadelphia was a skinhead who actually posted a clip of Glenn Beck on a neo-Nazi website that confirmed a conspiracy theory the killer had.

I don't think Hitler's funny (see the site above; the blogger thinks I'm being "politically correct"). You may want to check out Southern Poverty Law Center's Hate Map to find the skinheads in your state.


Vigilante said...

Hey Pinks! Did you notice that Sarah Palin's state has a clean sheet?

Pink Liberty said...

Sorry Vigilante, what does that mean? Do you have it on your blog?

Vigilante said...

Silly, just look at your map to which you linked everyone!

Pink Liberty said...

Oh! Oops. What do you make of that? They are pretty conservative and independent up there so there's probably no need to fight "liberals"...also very "white" up there I think.

Pink Liberty said...

Uh oh..."problems related to race and culture and the extent to which the population is urbanized, may help to explain why Alaska's incarceration rate continues to be higher than those of states of similar size." Alaska Prison Data

Teeluck said...

Wow, your head is in the right place Pink. Love it.

Teeluck said...

I did not know I had so many hate groups in New York, Wow. Thank you.