Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Getting to know Huckabee

There are a lot of people on the left and right loving on Mike Huckabee. He's charming, he's disarming, funny, empathetic, and, frankly, nuts. I can see him winning the Republican nomination. Yet his judgment is so skewed that he believes that the physical world started with Adam and Eve, and in our time he sees rapists as sympathetic victims who need active protection from him. Or else he's just out to free rapists who have targeted women related to Bill Clinton.

I look at Huckabee and I see a role player. A man who lives a successful public life but has some kind of private darkness (I now suspect him of misogyny and severe political bias). Lots of ministers I've met live a double life (especially, I would guess, former ministers). These ministers have ambition that is not fulfilled by taking care of the ill, the dying, the needy. They need fame and glory. They need to ascend in the public eye--whether that's done by impressing and seducing women in the church, or running for political office. Is Huckabee that kind of minister? I suspect that he is.


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