Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Bush's EPA doesn't follow any "culture of life" principle

EPA's Brave New World of Human Testing You have to read this to believe it. We are on the verge, if we haven't already, of allowing corporations to use humans as guinea pigs for chemical testing. The really weird part of this is I find it really hard to believe that this would actually prevent corporations from using dangerous chemicals!! They'd probably just use it to help design "independent" benign tests that artificially clear their chemicals, like they did with Nutra-Sweet (anasthesia actually prevents aspartame from being absorbed in the body, like it usually is, as it turns into a formaldehyde-like substance). Rumsfeld was Chief of Staff when the FDA cleared Nutra-Sweet--and he later wound up working (probably a highly paid "consultant" for the chemical company who produces it, Searle?.

Chilled yet? Welcome to the world of chemical foods. Makes you wonder what our "free press" is really up to, doesn't it?


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ugh - I can't believe this - well, maybe I can. I love you!!! I'm so glad I've kicked diet coke....